Lin-Tech Company
Where Technology Is Applied



Lin-Tech Co. provides a broad range of product design and manufacturing services. We have over 30 years experience in all areas of design and manufacturing.  In addition we have personally been successfully through the Invention/Patent process.


Design Engineering
The turning of an idea into a manufacturable design is where most people and startup companies have the biggest problems.  The inventor usually is an expert in one area, and is limited in expertise in others.  Lin-Tech Company has the resources and experience to turn ideas into designs that are documented to manufacturing standards.   Ready for presentation.


The next step is to provide decision makers with a sample that they can evaluate.   The prototype is your idea marketing tool.  The instrument that helps you convince others to join your organization or finance it.  Sloppy "blacksmithing" will not get the job done.  Lin-Tech Company has assisted many inventors and startup companies in presenting their ideas to the market place.
Once funding is acquired, tooling and production facilities for those initial limited quantity production runs is necessary.  Again Lin-Tech Company can assist in the startup process as a consultant or provider.



A more detailed description of the invention process can be found if you...
Please read and use it as a reference, even if you do not decide to use
our services.  The better you understand the tasks involved in getting
your project to the market place, the more successful you will be.

If you would like an unbiased Initial Evaluation of a project
that is ready for LEVEL 3 please click...

After an Initial Evaluation is completed, and you would like us to work on
your project for you, we will need some sort of a agreement.  We would
prefer doing business the old fashioned way.  A promise and a handshake is
the way we would prefer to run our business.  But such is not the case in this
modern world.  So a copy of our Agreement to start moving your project
forward can be found if you...


 Some additional resources that you can research are:
National Inventor Fraud

    Center, Inc. National Inventor Fraud Center
Edison Inventors Association, Inc.

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1996~2009 Lin-Tech Co., 6116 E 300 N, Churubusco, IN 46723-9511
Telephone (260) 246-2819 Toll Free FAX (866) 761-6566
Last Modified: 08/02/10