Initial Evaluation Application

Lin-Tech Co.

Revised August 24, 2008


It is the mission of Lin-Tech Co., to assist the client in developing products for the market place.  Our experience with our own products and in helping other clients be rewarded for their efforts has resulted in a streamlined system of evaluation that can result in the efficient use of the client’s resources.


While everyone likes to think that their situation is unique, it normally is not.  Likewise many think that the process to bring an idea to the market place is a magical transformation, it is not.  The initial stages of a project repeat the steps others have taken.  We have been through this process many times and can assist you in sorting out the potential of your idea.


This application, when executed, will provide the purchaser with an Initial Evaluation from Lin-Tech Co. concerning the development of the purchaser’s idea.  Lin-Tech Co. also agrees to keep the information disclosed proprietary.


A Lin-Tech initial evaluation will cover the following areas;


  1. Stage of Development

  2. Viability

  3. Performance

  4. Possible hazards

  5. Patentability

  6. Developmental Outlook

  7. Project Expansion

  8. Competition

  9. Project Acceptance


And conclude with our recommended future action items



It should be noted that Lin-Tech Co., also provides Project Engineering services on a contractual consulting basis.  This Initial Evaluation is not to be construed as an open ended contract for continued services.  If a client wishes to engage the services of Lin-Tech Co., beyond this Initial Evaluation, that will be negotiated after this Initial Evaluation is completed.  Also Lin-Tech Co. is not a marketing advisor.  And questions and statements about the intended markets shall not be construed as an indication that Lin-Tech Co. is providing an in depth market analysis as well.  But it is helpful to know the market the product is aimed at.


Likewise, Lin-Tech Co. does not purchase ideas or projects.  We do not claim any rights or privileges of ownership.  The client is the sole owner of the intellectual property.


And finally, Lin-Tech is not a "phishing" agency for an Inventions Wanted Company.  Our mission is to assist you in your dream, not steal it from you.


TERMS & Instructions;


1.   The retainer for the time to prepare this Initial Evaluation is $250.00 USD and paid by VISA orMasterCard credit cards.  When the Initial Evaluation is ready to be sent, the retainer will be converted to a charge for services.  Any additional charges to return materials sent by the client for inclusion in the evaluation will be charged to the client’s credit card at the time the charge is incurred.


2.   This Initial Evaluation will be created for the exclusive use of the client, and is not refundable or transferable.


3.   All applications must use the form below.


4.   Applications should be a LEVEL 3 or higher project.

a.   Mechanical Designs – Must have completed at least one prototype cycle.

b.   Software – Must at least be flowcharted.

c.   Electronics – Must be bread-boarded and functioning.

If you need further information on the LEVELS of the Invention Process,
please click


E-Mail Retainer Form

After clicking on the SUBMIT ORDER button on the bottom of this form, you
will be sent a confirming notice your order was transmitted.
Please print it on your printer for future reference.

Let us know how to contact you and how you would like to pay.
Your credit card will not be charged until your completed
evaluation is ready to e-mail to you.

Street Address:  
ZIP:  -
Project Name:
Please advise us how best to contact you, and what materials you have that would be appropriate to include in the evaluation.

Payment Information

Name on card:  
Card Number:  
(Your card will not be charged until your evaluation is ready to e-mail.)
Exp. Date:

   Verification Code: